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Dance workshops for regional and remote Queensland

Regional Workshop Tour

​Each year, Dancenorth travels to regional and remote Queensland to deliver dance workshops and experiences to schools and community groups.​

Past Tours


Emerald/ The Gayiri People, Barcaldine/ The Iningai people, Longreach/ The Iningai People, Winton/ The Koa People, Hughenden/ The Yirandhali people, Cairns/ Gimuy, Atherton/ The Wadjanbarra Yidi People, Yungaburra/ The Dulguburra Yidinji People and the Ngadjoni people, Malanda/ The Ngadgjon-Jii People, Mareeba/ The Muluridji People


Cairns/ Gimuy, Innisfail/ The Mamu People, Mareeba/ The Muluridji People, Atherton/ The Wadjanbarra Yidi People, Yungaburra/ The Dulguburra Yidinji People and the Ngadjoni people, Charters Towers/ The Gudjal People, Hughenden/ The Yirandhali People, Winton/ The Koa People, Longreach/ The Iningai People, Barcaldine/ The Iningai People, Alpha/ The Iningai People, Emerald/ The Gayiri People


Charters Towers/ The Gudjal People, Hughenden/ The Yirandhali People, Winton/ The Koa People, Longreach/ The Iningai People, Emerald/ The Gayiri People, Innisfail/ The Mamu People, Ravenshoe/ The Jirrbal People, Mount Garnet/ The Mbarbaram People, Atherton/ The Wadjanbarra Yidi People , Malanda/ The Ngadgjon-Jii People, Ayr/ The Juru People, Mackay/ The Yuwibara People, Airlie Beach/ The Ngaro People, Bowen/ The Juru People


Charters Towers/ The Gudjal People, Hughenden/ The Yirandhali People, Richmond/ The Wunumura People, Julia Creek/ The Wunumura People, Cloncurry/ The Mitakoodi, Pitta Pitta, Kalkadoon People, Mt Isa/ The Kalkadoon People, Winton/ The Koa People, Longreach/ The Iningai People, Barcaldine/ The Iningai People, Jericho/ The Iningai People, Clermont/ The Gangula People, Ingham/ The Nywaigi People, Innisfail/ The Mamu People, Ravenshoe/ The Jirrbal People, Mt Garnet/ The Mbarbaram People, Kairi/ The Yidinji and Ngadgjon-Jii People, Malanda/ The Ngadgjon-Jii People, Atherton/ The Wadjanbarra Yidi People , Yungaburra/ The Dulguburra Yidinji People and the Ngadjoni People, Mackay/ The Yuwibara People, Airlie Beach/ The Ngaro People, Proserpine/ The Gia People, Bowen/ The Juru People, Ayr/ The Juru People


Cairns/ Gimuy, Mt Garnet/ The Mbarbaram People, Malanda/ The Ngadgjon-Jii People, Atherton/ The Wadjanbarra Yidi People, Ravenshoe/ The Jirrbal People, Kairi/ The Yidinji and Ngadgjon-Jii People, Yungaburra/ The Dulguburra Yidinji People and the Ngadjoni people


Charters Towers/ The Gudjal people, Prairie/ The Yirandhali people, Hughenden/ The Yirandhali people, Julia Creek/ The Wunumura People
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Our fight is to build local, national, and international connections and resilience through dance for all to thrive.